Wednesday, August 22, 2012

come at me summer!

so i actually worked out today D: i just did one of those workout posts that i keep seeing on my tumblr dash! the one i did was for dancer legs and included lunges, squats, jumping jack and stretches and i just added some ab crunches to focus on the areas i want to change. and OMG my butt/legs hurt!!!! i had issues walking down the stairs :P i love that things like this are so accessible to us now days!

it's hitting the end of winter now and tomorrow is meant to be 26 degrees (WTF? why so warm D:) soon it will be shorts and bikini weather and i'm determined to have a rocking bod. i need to focus on my eating habits coz i just had a post-workout cookie (whoops!) i want to eliminate mcdonalds from my diet and it's been a huge struggle for me because i usually eat it because i'm too lazy to choose something proper to eat! anyone else struggling to kick the bad habits? got any tips or tricks for toning up?

pretty excited/nervous for tomorrow!!! i only have to work 4 hours (win!) and its an open shift(double win!) and then i have to come home and finish my captain america outfit. since i'm making it off the top of my head i'm worried i'm going to screw it up D: wish me luck!

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